Contributed by
Hauke Reddmann
"Odd Squad" just aired on the German KiKa. (Children Channel)
Although I have only seen a few episodes, I already can comment.
This is definitely more a case for TVTropes than MathFiction,
and not surprising at all, it has an entry. :-)
I thought that someone put the X Files, Warehouse 13 and
Round the Twist in a blender and turned on the level "Massacre".
Speaking of Round the Twist (and TVTropes), the series has a
big disadvantage. Since Buster Keaton you know that jokes come
best when you serve them deadpan. So do trope cliches (or
alternatively, lampshade them to hell and back).
The series
loses somewhat with its "Hey, look how zany we are!" attitude.
But sometimes it's so over the top that I can't help laughing
my ass off. Probably kids will have more fun, but I definitely
will not deprogram my VCR.
4/5 for math, I pass on art as it's
only meant as humorous/didactic. (If you insist: 3/5 as "works,
but could be so much better")