Contributed by
Christina Howlett
Amazing how you turn math -- something we tried to make interesting -- into "literature! Kudos to you. Also amazing is that my son who was not yet even a twinkle in anyone's eye found this site and forwarded it to me. I was the Production Assistant on the show and worked on all aspects of bringing the idea into reality. I also worked on Math Patrol -- as well as Cucumber (Children's Underground Club of United Moose and Beaver), Today's Special, Sesame Street and a number of other children's and adult educational programs. It was a wonderful time to be a part of the developing "public" television network. We were OECA when we started - the first educational network - and became the model for PBS and others.
Much of this would not have been possible without the amazing talent, vision and dedication of the show's creator and director, Clive VanderBurgh. He was a vital influence, stretched the imagination and talent of those around him and set the groundwork for many (myself included) to go on to write, produce, direct and create our own visions. Thank you for sharing this and reminded me of a great memory!