a list compiled by Alex Kasman (College of Charleston)

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18 matches found out of 1676 entries

(Note: This page not the entire list of works of Mathematical Fiction. To see the whole list, click here.)

Do Androids Dream of Symmetric Sheaves?: And Other Mathematically Bent Stories (2023)
Colin Adams
This is another collection from the humor column "Mathematically Bent" which Adams writes for the Mathematical Intelligencer. As I wrote in my entry for "Riot at the Calc Exam" (and which is equally true... (more)
Fantasia Mathematica : Being a Set of Stories, Together With a Group of Oddments and Diversions, All Drawn from ... (1958)
Highly Rated!
Clifton Fadiman (editor)
This is the first of the two wonderful, classic collections of mathematically flavored literature and such by Clifton Fadiman. (The second is "Mathematical Magpie".) Fortunately, it is now available... (more)
Imaginary Numbers : An Anthology of Marvelous Mathematical Stories, Diversions, Poems, and Musings (1999)
Highly Rated!
William Frucht (editor)
Although it is nice to see a more recent collection of mathematical stories (published in 1999), I'm afraid that many of these works seem only tenuously connected to mathematics at best. Stories about... (more)
Intoxicating Heights (Höhenrausch. Die Mathematik des XX. Jahrhunderts in zwanzig Gehirnen) (2003)
Dietmar Dath
Word by word I would translate Dath's "Höhenrausch" as "High-altitude Euphoria. Mathematics of the 20th century in 20 brains". It is a collection of short stories and fictional portraits of (I copy... (more)
L.A. Math: Romance, Crime and Mathematics in the City of Angels (2016)
James D. Stein
This book of short stories about a "gumshoe" and his mathematically inclined landlord aims teaches the reader some elementary math along the way. The difference between continuous and annual compounding... (more)
Lord Darcy (1966)
Randall Garrett
The stories in this collection of fantastical murder mysteries take place in an alternate universe where magic rather than science has become the primary human tool for manipulating the world. Frequent... (more)
Los relatos de Gudor Ben Jusá: Cuentos y consejas con algo de matemáticas más son pocas y de las viejas (1994)
Juan de Burgos Román
A compilation of 40 short stories of mathematical fiction by Juan de Burgos, including those from his calculus books and his 1994 commencement address. Published by Fundación General de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 1994. (more)
Mathe-Matti (2022)
Anuradha Mahasinghe
A collection of mathematical fiction short stories published in the country of Sri Lanka by Sayura Books. Unfortunately, I do not read Sinhalese and so have not been able to enjoy it myself, but the author... (more)
The Mathematical Magpie: Being more stories, mainly transcendental, plus subjects of essays, rhymes, music, anecdotes, ... (1962)
Highly Rated!
Clifton Fadiman (editor)
This is the second of the two wonderful, classic collections of mathematically flavored literature and such by Clifton Fadiman. (The first was "Fantasia Mathematica".) Here is a partial listing of... (more)
Mathematically Bent (2000)
Colin Adams
Geometer and knot-theorist Colin Adams (Williams College, MA) has been writing this short, mathematically-wise and bitingly funny column in the quarterly issues of The Mathematical Intelligencer since... (more)
The Mathematics of Magic (1940)
L. Sprague de Camp / Fletcher Pratt
The "Enchanter Stories" by de Camp and Pratt are a very popular series of SF/fantasy stories whose protagonist, Harold Shea, is able to travel to other universes using symbolic logic. "The Mathematics... (more)
Mathenauts: Tales of Mathematical Wonder (1987)
Highly Rated!
Rudy Rucker (editor)
This collection contains a wonderful assortment of mathematically oriented SF written between 1962 (when Mathematical Magpie appeared) and 1987 when this volume was published. Editor Rudy Rucker is... (more)
Number Stories of Long Ago (1919)
David Eugene Smith
A really beautiful, well-crafted book which presents a very wide variety of aspects of the history of number theory through fictional stories from Mesopotamia, Rome, Egypt, China, and many other places,... (more)
Number Stories: Learning Arithmetic Through the Adventures of Ralph and His Schoolmates (1916)
Alhambra G. Deming
A simpler, slightly different book than the one by David Eugene Smith (“Number Stories of Long Ago”). This book, instead of speaking of the history of numbers, goes into a connected string of stories... (more)
Racconti Matematici (2006)
Claudio Bartocci (Editor)
This Italian collection of mathematical stories includes some short stories that appear elsewhere in this database (often translated into Italian) and some non-fictional essays that would not be appropriate... (more)
Reality Conditions: short mathematical fiction (2005)
Highly Rated!
Alex Kasman
The stories in this collection of 16 original short works of mathematical fiction are different from each other in many ways: some are serious and some funny, some are realistic and some fantastical,... (more)
Riot at the Calc Exam and Other Mathematically Bent Stories (2009)
Colin Adams
Finally, a collection of hilarious mathematical stories by Colin Adams! Most of these stories were previously published in his Mathematically Bent column in the Mathematical Intelligencer. Only one is... (more)
The Shape of Content: Creative Writing in Mathematics and Science (2008)
Chandler Davis (editor) / Marjorie Senechal (editor) / Jan Zwicky (editor)
This collection of writings associated with the Workshops on Creative Writing in Mathematics and Science at the math institute at Banff contains mathematical fiction along with mathematical poetry, scientific... (more)

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Exciting News: The 1,600th entry was recently added to this database of mathematical fiction! Also, for those of you interested in non-fictional math books let me (shamelessly) plug the recent release of the second edition of my soliton theory textbook.

(Maintained by Alex Kasman, College of Charleston)