The Infinite Worlds of H.G. Wells (Episode: The Truth about Pyecraft) (2001) |
 | Chris Harrald (Script) / Clive Exton (Script) / Herbert George Wells (story) |
Please correct me if I'm mistaken here, but it seems that the 2001 TV miniseries The Infinite Worlds of H.G. Wells took the story ``The Truth about Pyecraft'', which has no math in it, and made the main... (more) |
The Plattner Story (1896) |
 | Herbert George Wells |
Gottfrieb Plattner disappears after an explosion for nine days.
Upon return, he recounts a strange tale of a parallel world.
More mathematically interesting, he discovers that he is now
left-handed,... (more) |
The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes (1895) |
 | Herbert George Wells |
Rather than seeing what is actually around him in England, Davidson sees
events occurring on a rock off of the Antipodes Island. The explanation
offered includes the notion of non-flat geometries for... (more) |
The Star (1897) |
 | Herbert George Wells |
Although some of the science is a bit off -- for example, the idea that the
rotation of planets has something to do with their ability to orbit the sun
or that the "star" formed by the collision of Neptune... (more) |
The Time Machine (1895) |
 | Herbert George Wells |
This famous early science fiction novel opens with a clever (and, if you
think ahead to the role of Minkowski Space in special relativity,
prophetic) lecture on "the fourth dimension". Of course, discussions... (more) |