A semi-fictional biography of Emmy Noether written for young adults.
The book has received positive reviews from many mathematicians who hope (as, one supposes, does the author) that young readers will benefit from reading about a tremendously successful and important female mathematician from the early 20th Century. Reviews from the London Mathematical Society and American Mathematical Society respectively can be found here and here.
However, not all reviewers were happy with the book. The review in the Mathematical Intelligencer by Renate Tobles complains about historical inaccuracies and about the simplistic way in which the mathematics is presented. She also questions the need for the fictional aspects of the book ("Do dialogues about clothes, hats and chocolate have to be invented to interest teenagers in a mathematician?"). [If I may I would like to briefly respond to this remark. In my experience, when used appropriately, fiction can enhance the understanding and interest of readers in mathematical topics and so should not necessarily be criticized in general. I intend this as a defense of the use of "mathematical fiction" as an educational tool and not, in particular, of this book which I actually have not yet had a chance to read.]
Contributed by
Andrea Albrecht
I was disappointed by this book, like a lot of German readers
who know about Noether.