Contributed by
Hauke Reddmann
In the foreword Dath lists all "never happened" parts
that he invented (Dieringshofen is a completely fictive
character, as you know), so one can somewhat safely assume
all other parts are essentially nonfictional. Still, they
are sometimes written in a nonstandard biographic style
and I will shortly comment on that too.
So much being said, fictions are marked with X.
I tried to translate the titles myself, see notes below.
X1 Georg Cantor
Shakespeare hat alles vorausgewußt
Shakespeare know it all before
2 David Hilbert
Der Allerunbequemste
The Superuncomfortable
X3 Jules Henri Poincare
Unterm Glashimmel
Under A Sky of Glass
4 Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brouwer
Die Sprache ist ein zu unbeholfenes Instrument
Language is too clumsy an instrument
X5 Amalie Emmy Noether
Das Märchen vom völlig symmetrischen Schmetterling
The Completely Symmetric Butterfly's Fairy Tale
6 Srinivasa Ramanujan
Offenbarung und Beweisfaulheit
Revelation and Proof Idleness
X7 Kurt Gödel
Das Gespenst der Luce Library
The Ghost of the Luce Library
X8 Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
Der Spiegel der Natur
The Mirror of Nature
X9 Alan Matheson Turing
Gibt es einen mathematischen Epochenstil?
Is there an era style for math?
X10 Andrej Nikolajewitsch Kolmogorow
Aus den Memoiren eines alteuropäischen Adligen
From the memoirs of an Old Europe nobleman
X11 John von Neumann
Das Spiel Grau
The Game "Grey"
12 Jean Alexandre Dieudonne & Nicolas Bourbaki
Das Rechenzentrum der Avantgarde
Avantgarde's computing center
13 Alexandre Grothendieck
Wann fällt Babylon?
When does Babylon fall?
X14 Gregory Chaitin
Zwei coole intellektuelle Frauen reden öber Omega
Two cool intellectual women talk about Omega
15 Rene Thom
Streit, Verdruß und Katastrophen: Ein harter Job
Strife, Vexation and Catastrophes: A tough job
X16 Julia Bowman Robinson
Wahrheit und Gesundheit
Truth and Health
X17 Benoit Mandelbrot
In der Falle
X18 Edward Witten
Altitude sickness
19 Stephen Wolfram
Im Zellenweltgebäude
In Cellworld
X20 Lena Dieringshofen
Eine Art Angst
A kind Of fear
2 Punning a bit with "Superunknown" by Soundgarden.
Dath would probably approve, he's from the music scene.
5 Somewhat of a genetiv abuse since "of" and "from" are
both "vom" in German, so it's a bit misleading but
intentionally so by me! More correct is the translation
on your site.
6 "Beweisfaulheit" is a typical Mark-Twain-ism - you can
only approximate the feeling in English.
9 Likewise "era style" is the best I could come up with.
10 It's the Europe that is old. (I never found New Europe on a
globe BTW :-)
12 "Computing" here: rather "doing math" than "doing informatics".
But "Rechenzentrum" in German always implies the latter.
Can't reambiguate that in English.
14 "Cool" for "cool" isn't too cool nowadays, so if you
have newer slang, substitute freely :-)
18 I inserted the Wiki equivalent - of course
"Intoxicating Heights" does more poetic service.
19 Like 6&9, the pompous "Weltgebäude" is only acceptable
in likewise pompous German philosophy language (from where
the word comes). So I simply dropped a literal -house
from the translation.