This is the third novel featuring Cas Russell, a private detective with superhuman mathematical abilities that allow her to fight with remarkable precision, and to quickly survey a crime scene.
There is character development as she learns that her (sometime) partner Arthur has been hiding the existence of his family from her and she spends some quality time with Simon, the psychic who nearly wiped out her previous personality in an effort to save her. This time, she is up against an enemy who is able to use plastic surgery to create people who are horrifying, seem trustworthy, or are extremely forgettable.
I'm having trouble making this book sound interesting because I found it quite forgettable.
Of the three books (with the other two being Zero Sum Game and Null Set) this is the least mathematical. But, it was uninteresting in other ways as well. I am sure that this book will have its fans, but I am afraid I cannot strongly recommend it.
Contributed by
Gregory Cherlin
The entries for S. L. Huang don't quite reflect her full publication history in the series listed as the books were initially self-published, then were retitled and significantly rearranged when she got a Tor contract.
See here or here.