In this young adult novel, a mathematically inclined teenager who ignores the sad events she does not want to remember learns to deal with them by literally revisiting her past through wormholes.
There are some unusual and unique things about this book. I have never seen anything like the course Gottie H. Oppenheimer is taking from an especially creative and inspiring teacher. The quiz in that class asks high school students questions like "Describe the Gödel metric" and "What is a key characteristic of a Möbius strip?"
The mathematical ideas and mathematicians discussed in this book are unusual in fiction (or even non-fiction) aimed at this age group and that is something good in itself. Still, I do wish there were not so many inaccuracies. For instance, the Gödel metric is not a "solution to the E=MC2 equation" which proves that the past still exists. (It would have been more accurate to say that is a solution to the equations of general relativity which is interesting because time in the universe it describes is entirely cyclical.)
Also, I have some appreciation for the implication that Gottie will be famous for discovering an equation when she grows up. This could definitely be an inspiration for some children. However, the idea that this discovery suggests an important role for human emotions in physics, directly affecting the shape of spacetime, struck me as a bit melodramatic.
In conclusion, however, I realize that all of my concerns and complaints above would be irrelevant to the young adults who are this book's intended audience. Such a reader could learn some important ideas about math, physics and dealing with emotions from this unusual story, and would probably enjoy reading it as well.