A fictionalized account (in first person) of the life and untimely
death of Evariste Galois, originator of the mathematical subject now
known as group theory.
Contributed by
Suzanne Cody
This is a story about a mathematician, not really a story
about mathematics, though mathematics makes an as much of an appearance as necessary
to demonstrate that Evariste Galoise was indeed a brilliant mathematician (Group
Theory was based on his discoveries), not just some flaky romantic (though he was
that, too) who managed to get himself killed in a duel over a woman at age 21. A
wonderful read--especially a book about mathematics (on a level) that isn't science
fiction or a mystery. The author's first American publication.
Contributed by
Selina Tanner
It is a great book with many interesting information about mathematics. I hope that more books like this one exist. And thank you for this usefull page. I'm very interested in mathematics and can use this page very well to find literature about mathematical themes.
Many greetings from Selina
PS: Please excuse my english but my native language is German. But I hope you understand what I wrote.
PPS: Where are you from if I may ask? And where did you find all this informations about all these books?
Where am I from? Well, right now I live in Charleston, South Carolina, in the southeastern United States where we have palm trees, beaches and flowers blooming all year. However, I grew up in New York City (so English is not my native language either ; ).
As for where I found all of these books and things, it has taken some time. My main sources are (a) just browsing at the library or book store (b) searching at Amazon.com or IMDB.com (c) searching with databases like "Novelist" at the public library and most importantly (d) suggestions from people who have visited the site and happen to know some examples of mathematical fiction that I had not previously noticed. Do you know of any German mathematical fiction that I do not yet have listed here?
Thanks to Vijay Fafat for pointing out that this book is based on Petsinis' master's degree thesis which was itself a fictional biography of Galois and has its own WorldCat entry.