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I tracked this down after seeing the page on your site a couple of days ago. It is a very enjoyable movie, but there's not much maths in it. The premise is as follows: the (so cool I doubt they actually exist in real life) gambling squad are investigating a man who claims to have a way of predicting lottery results - and then proceeds to win twice in a row. The mathematical content is minimal - some vague discussion of probability and a few dodgy equations scrawled on a whiteboard which are briefly discussed (and determined to be dodgy). It almost goes out of its way to avoid any explicit maths. I give it a 2 because there's one scene in a train station where a young boy points out the shapes of numbers in random objects - something I know I did when I was very young and which others who read this site probably did as well - and I haven't seen this acknowledged anywhere in film before. Worth watching anyway.